Glass Coffee tables baby safe?,
Problem is two-fold. The concussive aspect of the coffee table at the right height in the right place “his living room” and the possibility of glass shattering, make it the #1 cause of emergency room visits for children under five. Cushions don’t stick for long if at all and elastic bumpers get pulled off sooner. Get rid of it and buy an ottoman with a tray for the top and maybe even storage inside.
Play Pens
The one thing I suggest, and this may sound obvious, is to make sure that there is nothing dangerous nearby the playpen. Kids are notorious for pulling blind cords into the playpens and strangling. Same goes for high chairs cribs and strollers. Make sure surrounding areas are safe.
Tipping Furniture
Lead Poisoning
Bolt furniture to the walls and watch out for lead poisoning. Extension cords, holiday lights and garden hoses are all coated with lead and can transfer from your hands into your child’s blood stream through their skin. Small amounts produce irreversible brain damage at this stage of brain development.